Participants Info
Name | Takuma Ito, Naoyuki Shinohara, Shigenori Uchiyama |
Institute | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Submission Details
Date | 2019/04/10 |
Type | II |
Number of variables (n) | 36 |
Number of equations (m) | 72 |
Seed (0,1,2,3,4) | 0 |
Algorithm | F4-style based algorithm to solve MQ problems |
Hardware | 4 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4669 v4, 2.20GHz, 1TB RAM |
Running Time | 25 days 3 hours 53 minutes |
Answer v=[v1,…,vn] in Fn | [ac, d8, 19, cf, a9, ac, e0, e1, b2, 3b, e0, 99, bc, 92, 4e, e9, 56, be, 9e, 06, 66, aa, 03, b7, 6a, 09, 9e, 1e, 47, b2, c0, 31, 07, 3b, 29, e2] |
Notes |