Participants Info

Name Yun-Ju Huang
Institute MQ challenge team
E-mail (optional)

Submission Details

Date 2015/3/20
Type II
Number of variables (n) 20
Number of equations (m) 40
Seed (0,1,2,3,4) 0
Algorithm Magma V2.19-9, F4
Hardware Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4617, 2.90GHz, 1T RAM
Running Time 75.60 seconds
Answer v=[v1,…,vn] in Fn [cf, 14, 9a, 57, 26, 07, d4, 03, 47, dc, 73, ad, c7, a7, 61, 16, f3, 23, c5, 02]